Isadore From
"Just as neurotic behavior is notorious for being predictable, healthy behavior is equally notorious for not being predictable... when you're both agreed that the patient is aware that it is he or she that walks into my room and he or she that talks to me -- which would mean an absence of projections, introjections, retroflections -- then the therapy is through." Isadore From |

Isadore From was a student at the New York School of Social Research in 1945, studying under Leo Strauss and William Troy, when he was referred to Fritz Perls for psychotherapy. From became a Gestalt Therapist by default when he followed Fritz Perls to California in 1948. (From said that Perls literally pushed him into a room with a client, who happen to be a relative of Fritz's, and told him to "just do it"!") Perls and From shared an office on Hollywood Boulevard, and after one year, Fritz went back to New York and From inherited his clientele. From would return to New York a couple years later to become instrumental in the formation of the Gestalt Institute of New York.